
Stories stick like glue,
Their concepts accrue 
For me.
Sadly, math won’t too—
Numbers lead a coup,
Break free.
I can’t shift my view,
But family true,
Loves me.

(I admit that as we near the end of this month, I’m looking for poetry forms that are shorter before I try my hand at the poem for the day (or the day after, in this case). Yesterday’s prompt was “Sticky” and I found a French poetry form called a “Lai,” a nine line poem which uses an aabaabaab rhyme scheme. The “a” lines have five syllables each, and the “b” lines have two. I deliberately chose words that had a lot of rhymes for “a” and while my “b” choice has lots of options as well, I ended up repeating one of the rhymes for the poem to make sense. Ah well!)

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