
The connecting places have been secured,
The rope between is tight, but supple.
I just need to step out on it.

One end is held by God, family, and friends;
The other end is a printed book.
The connecting places have been secured.

The years stretch back to that starting place,
So much life has happened, so much still will;
The rope between is tight, but supple.

So today as my book leaps into the world,
I know I must follow it along that rope—
I just need to step out on it.

(The prompt today, Tightrope, seemed about right for the state of my mind with my book release. I feel like I’m balancing precariously, leaning between the thrill and the unknown. On the blurb for today’s prompt our poetry host mentioned that she’d never really thought about the fact that a tightrope has two connection points, and that opened up more thoughts for me. What are the connecting points for this tightrope I’m now on?

As I browsed various poetry forms, I was caught by the Cascade, a poem that repeats the lines of the first stanza throughout the poem. It can be much more complex than what I’ve done, but I kept it simple. I think it communicates some of this journey I’ve been on!)

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