Forging ahead

Inkwell, by Evie Warnemuende

At some point, one must just start writing.

This website has been in process for a couple years now. I decided at some point that I wanted to create a site using my own domain, and I had some vague ideas of some pages I wanted to include. My old Blogspot site had become trickier to navigate, and I couldn’t even figure out how to update my photo or rearrange things on the page any longer. So I took the plunge and bought a domain name, and put in WordPress because a number of friends have nice sites through WordPress. I got some good advice as to where to go for help setting up a site and so I headed that way…only to find myself stumbling again, and again, and again…and getting nowhere. To say the least, computer language is not my language.

At last, “wounded and sore bested,” I turned to a friend who has a degree in computer science, and with her help we have managed to push and pull this site into something along the line of what I first envisaged. I’m sure there is more work that needs to be done, and I’ll have to watch it for shake-ups as new updates happen, but for now, I have no excuse. It is time to send this creation out in to the world!

And not a moment too soon! One reason why I wanted to start this site is because I’ve been writing more, and I want to be able to share what I’m writing. Not only do I have some stories I’ve posted on a friend’s site, but I had two short stories published this year in The Lost Tales of Sir Galahad, by Rabbit Room Press. And in addition to that, my trilogy, Daughter of Arden is about to launch into the world, starting with Exile coming out next month from Bandersnatch Books. So yes, it’s high time I had a place to talk about this!

I’d love for you to come along on this new adventure with me. You can subscribe to my site on the homepage, or blog post page (or, I think, the story page–lots of possibilities).

Onward and upward!